Cochrane Ideas Mission Statement
Founded: October, 2000

Cochrane Ideas promotes the exchange of knowledgeable and rigorous positions on a wide range of subjects. Guest speakers and discussions over the years have focused on economic, social, environmental, political, historical, biographical, creative, artistic, personal, gender-based, religious and spiritual topics.

No subject is taboo. The respectful presentation of ideas and opinions is always expected, however, and offensive behaviour or language is not acceptable.

We encourage a variety of formats, from formal lectures and presentations followed by questions and comments to open round-the-circle discussions. We have also hosted panel presentations and a traditional debate format, with participants voting for and against a particular motion.

As a group, we do not promote any particular position or course of action. We do promote a forum for people to express their viewpoints and positions, and to be heard. We are an inclusive and informal group, open to everyone and to all possibilities. With that in mind, we limit the domination of the discussion by any in the audience.

Ideas generally meets the second Friday of every month from September to June. Providing the group with your email is all you need to do to ensure that you receive notices of upcoming events.