Cochrane Ideas – February 2022

Renita Bartlett
Let’s Talk Safer Spaces!

Friday, February 11th @ 7:00 pm

Zoom link: 
Meeting ID: 845 7659 3011
Passcode: 179780

Gender equity and inclusion are vital topics in today’s conversations! A “safer space” is a place or environment in which a person can feel they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, judgment, or emotional or physical harm based on their gender or sexual diversity. But how to open that dialogue on creating a safer space—a space where people can find themselves reflected and know that ALL people will be treated with respect and dignity?

Presenter Renita Bartlett (pronouns she/her) was born in small-town Nova Scotia. She has been a long-time active member and ally in the 2SLGBTQ community. She helped found the Kindred Cochrane Pride Society and was active on the board until 2021. Renita was also a member of Calgary Outlink and served as vice president on its board of directors. With her passion for making the community a safer, kinder place for everyone, Renita welcomes questions, so bring them along!

In her presentation, Renita will explain the difference between sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression; define the terminology used to describe sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in today’s world; outline ways to be an advocate/ally for 2SLGBTQ people; and discuss the simple actions you can take toward making the world a Safer Space for all!


Cochrane Ideas – January 2022


with community builder


Friday, January 14th @ 7:00 pm

Zoom link:
Meeting ID:     859 5558 0896
Passcode:       320855

Cochrane IDEAS is excited to open the New Year by hosting Calgary entrepreneur and community builder extraordinaire, Gar Akicak Gar.

The country of Sudan has been in ongoing conflict since the 1950s. The Second Sudanese Civil War (1987-2005) resulted in over two million deaths and the displacement or orphaning of tens of thousands of children. Despite the independence of South Sudan in 2011, the conflict continues: there are currently over 4.3 million displaced people from South Sudan. Gar Gar will share his journey with us, including key elements of the conflict in Sudan and his family’s flight, highlights of the challenges he faced as a young South Sudanese refugee in Canada, and his current untiring efforts to build community, vision and hope for the youth of South Sudanese origin in Calgary today.

Gar Gar arrived in Canada in 2005, a refugee from war-torn South Sudan. As a young man of late high school age when he arrived, Gar was determined to gain a strong enough foundation in English to be able to go on to higher education. His persistence paid off when he became the first member of his South Sudanese community to achieve a Bachelor of Business Administration from SAIT. Along the way, Gar also became the first Black student president of the SAIT Student Association and sat on the SAIT Board of Governors.

Gar has been a strong voice on a number of boards and committees, including the City of Calgary Immigrant Inclusion committee. His innate spirit of volunteer service and leadership has led Gar to establish various initiatives to help the less fortunate during the Covid-19 pandemic: YYC Kids Ride, School Supply Surprise, and Free Friday Family Pizza. He is a tireless advocate for community safety and civic engagement with a special passion for youth mental health, a commitment he is taking action on as the current Executive Director of the Youth Empowerment and Skills (YES) Centre, as well as serving as a member of the Attendance Board of Alberta.

We do hope you will join us!