Cochrane Ideas – April 2019


with Mount Royal University political scientist
and well-known commentator

DUANE BRATTDuane Bratt7 pm on Friday April 12, 2019
at Frank Wills Memorial Hall
(405 – 1st Street S.E., Cochrane, east of RCMP Station)

Please bring snacks if you can. Doors open at 6:15 p.m.

Discussion of political populism is especially pertinent as Albertans prepare to go to the polls on April 16.  Populism can be defined as:

      • A political approach striving to appeal to ordinary people who feel their concerns and issues are disregarded by an elite establishment.
      • A belief in the power of regular people and their right to have control over their government rather than political insiders.
      • Seen as a force in the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president and the Brexit vote in the U.K.

Dr. BRATT will focus on:

      1. His definition of populism.
      2. A look at right-wing versus left-wing populism.
      3. An analysis of current populism around the world
      4. A history of populism in Alberta, including the rise of Social Credit and the potential influence of populism in the April 16 election.

An MRU evaluation of professors by students includes comments that Bratt is “hilarious”, he is an “amazing lecturer” and is “inspirational”.

CBC IDEAS. You might find these programs relevant:
Manufacturing Discontent: The perils of populism:
The Case for Populism.  Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s policies has a hard line stance on immigration, but supports free childhood education, that would be difficult to define as anything but progressive.

FEBRUARY and  MARCH IDEAS. We are very grateful to Bob Kam for sharing his amazing experience with the “Calgary elephants” at our March Ideas and many thanks go to Sandy Aberdeen for his very well organized and thought-provoking presentation on “Climate Change: Is It Too Late?